Thursday, January 8, 2009

Teaching practice

Thanks for all the wonderful childhood photographs we have seen - it seems everyone's had lots of fun with this task. Now I would like you to go in
a bit different direction, and look into the future, rather than past. Your task now is to reflect on your teaching practice as an experience: how you survived the first lesson, what it was like to be "on the other side", what you think of yourself
as a potential teacher and of teaching
as a possible career.
Some of you have come to the college with a clear plan: to become a teacher of English. Many others, however, have come here out of general interest in or passion for English, but without any intention of actually becoming a teacher. Has anything changed, now that you've taught your first lessons? Or perhaps you have become only more convinced that this is not a job for you? Share your thoughts with your colleagues and other readers, please. :)

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