Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The musical task has been a success, don't you think? :) I can see how important music is for almost everyone, and how hard it is for you to limit yourselves to choosing that one special song. I know, it is next to impossible. I'm sure many of us have become intrigued by a newly discovered singer or band, thus expanding our list of favorites.
Now, with Christmas approaching, I want you to get a bit sentimental and think of your childhood. As I said in my e-mail, I would like you to embed a photograph of yourselves in your early years. The picture does not need to be connected with Christmas, but in your post please write about your memories connected with the season. I'm sure you remember many things: how you waited for Santa to come, how you caught your parents hiding presents for you, how you couldn't wait for the supper to come to an end...
If you want to see a childhood photo of yours truly, you need to go to my post from a few years ago, when a similar task was given to your older colleagues.
PS. We have a scanner in the IT room, so bring the pictures with you, if it's a problem.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another great task, I can see that everyone's excited about it and can't wait to see others being young:D I remember that last year when we were supossed to greet 1st year students there was a funny game with photos of teachers when they were young and we were to guess who was who,I must admit that it was difficult but still a lot of fun:)