Wednesday, January 21, 2009


What a day! I think that the high spirits from Washington, D.C., have reached almost everyone around the world today. I've been a bit reluctant to raise the issue here, as politics is not a very popular topic with today's youth, but, on the other hand, what else should move you if not this "wind of change"? (Thanks, Mateusz, the phrase does suit the situation perfectly :) Obama represents a new generation of politicians, bringing new hopes and evoking a lot of interest in young people in the US and elsewhere. I'm curious if KJO students of English, who are part of the English speaking community, have any feelings about or comments on today's events. Can you find any emotions in yourselves concerning the new American president, or is the whole issue merely media hype for you? Is the US really making a huge step forward?
I promise the next topic will be a bit lighter :)


beti86 said...
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beti86 said...

I think it's a great topic, but given a little bit too early, cause all we can do is to judge his words, his promises.I wish him all the best, and hopefully his words will soon turn into actions. :)

AgataL said...

You are right, it's much too soon to judge him. Perhaps I worded my task clumsily: what I am really interested in is whether you and your colleagues trust him, or believe that he can make a difference. From YOUR post I can see that you do, in a way.
I'm looking forward to the post you have promised to write in a few months :)

Monika said...

To state my opinion clearly, I do trust him and hope he can make a difference ;)

Mat Ś. said...

though topics;-)- any time;-)
and as it goes for my admiration of America - GIVE ME AN AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP OR ELSE!

AgataL said...

Well, the blame is on you, Mat. :) I was thinking whether to assign this topic or not, and when your post appeared, I thought - there ARE people who are interested, so let's try. :) Thanks!