Monday, March 2, 2009

Goodbye, John

John Solan
The first post in the semester should be enthusiastic and optimistic, but it can't be. As some of you may have already heard, we lost a very special person, dear to everyone who was privileged to know him. John Solan, who used to work at KJO as one of its most prominent lecturers, died on January 24 in Ireland. All I know is that his illness took him very quickly, in only two weeks. He was a very good person, a dedicated teacher, and an unforgettable figure. I will always remember how passionate he could be in his long disputes with other teachers about particular students or about some current events in the world.
If you have any memories of John and would like to share them, please do. This is not an assignment, merely an invitation.
Here is my little story - nothing to do with KJO, but a lot to do with what John was like:

Once John and his wife Monika adopted a dog from a shelter. It took them weeks to teach her to trust them and not to be scared of absolutely everything and everyone. They succeeded. After some time, though, the dog got very ill, and it was amazing how they struggled to save her. There was an operation, multiple visits to the vet, sleepless nights and lots of money. As far as I remember they got her out of it. But how distressed John was when all that was happening! A wonderful, caring person I am proud to have known.
RIP, John Solan.


koozaa said...

Since I got this dreadful news a couple of days ago, I've been looking for somebody to deny it and struggling to understand why people like Him pass away so quickly and unexpectedly. John was, and still is, one of the most fascinating and unique persons I've ever met. When I put my thoughts in order I'll try to write something about John, too. May he rest in peace.

Agnieszka said...

I remember his lectures... History of England or USA... Such a sense of humor, such an attitude, such a passion, and most of all - patience of an angel. May he rest in peace..

kate kayah said...

I was sorry to hear that J. Solan passed away. I remember his passionate lectures on both American and British history, and our writing classes. It was a pleasure and a priviledge to have known him. May he rest in peace. Sympathies to his wife and family.
Kaja K.

Ania said...

I'm shocked...and I'm so sorry to hear that. He was such a warm and optimistic person. We will never forget you John ;( Rest in peace.

nataluv said...

good people always leave first.. that's sad, he was so passionate and so warm.
to leave is to come back somewhere else, not always disappear

D. said...

It is very sad news indeed...
I enjoyed John's classes and will keep warm memories of him - of how he rubbed his chin when perplexed, how he arrived at KJO on his bicycle, no matter the weather and of how chalky, peculiar, full of passion, devoted, friendly and patient he always was...

basia said...

This information has really shocked me... Our dear John passed away so unexpectedly, that's unfair ;( May He rest in peace...

Mat Ś. said...

I don't know what to say... but I'm sure that John is in a better place right know... someday all of us will meet him again... rest in peace.

Iza S. said...

I am really sorry to hear about John. Just hard to believe!The most honest and trustworthy teacher I've ever met! Although his most popular word while correcting my esseys was 'awkward", this word sounded sweet to me and I tried my best to improve.And I did. And there was nothing more motivating for me than his words of approval.And I did hear them.
We lost John some time ago when he left. Now we know it was for ever. Rest in peace John!

Kasia said...

Good men die but death can not kill their names...

47 said...

I was really sad when I heard about John`s death. He was the coolest native speaker in KJO and I really loved WOKAOJ and history of GB and USA classes led by him. He was always so funny, talkative and it was impossible not to like him. His death is totally unfair. Such people should live forever. "Only the good die young, all the evil seem to live forever"- these lyrics of one of Iron Maiden`s song precisely expose the truth about life. John was good and he did not deserve to die. :(

Idril Celebrindal said...

No words can express the feeling after the death of such a person... We'll miss you...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Enthusiastic, dedicated, inspirational!