Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Working on the grammar test

Just a moment to take a break from writing the test for GRAMMAR. It's hard to match the test material with what we've been doing in class, especially if one wants to depend on real, authentic texts. But only such tests are worthwhile, really. They show how much of the things we worked on have found their way into your English "production." So thank God for the Internet and Google. And... brace yourselves - it's growing!
Many people do not see any difference between test tasks and practice tasks. For practice, you want to focus on a particular grammar problem and do not have to worry too much about things like reliability and validity. Testing IS a challenge. BTW, do you have any experience of writing (i.e. creating) tests? Did you find it difficult? If you have something to say about this, or any other comments on your experience as a "test taker," write a post in your blog.


Ristopher;) said...

NOW I know what you ment by saying 'brace yourselves';)

AgataL said...

It wasn't THAT bad, was it?
Just a little bit of grammar gymnastics :)

Marta F said...

I agree with ristopher :) I'll take your warning much more seriously next time :)