Sunday, April 30, 2006


In a week's time we're going to have a farewell celebration for you - 3rd year students. Some people feel it is just another official thing, not worth the bother (and the money). For many, it is an important event the memories of which will be coming back after years. It is also very important for us, your teachers, who got to know you well over the three years and want to wish you all the best for the years to come.
Farewells are always difficult for me, yet this year will be even worse. I feel that through the blog and all the things we've been doing together we have developed a special kind of relation. That is why the graduation ceremony will be so important for me and so tough at the same time. When you say goodbye to your fist group of learners you will understand.
Those of you who have chosen not to be there will also be included in our good wishes. Some students don't want to celebrate graduation before the exams are over. I can understand that. But your family and friends, and we - your teachers, would be happy to see you all standing there, in the university hall, looking hopefully into the future.


AgataL said...

I still can't understand why you have let it happen ;(

Marta F said...
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AgataL said...
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AgataL said...

I don't want to say I'm glad that you are repeating the year, but if you weren't, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet you and work with you. Some people make you richer by the very fact that you know them, and I think you are one of them.
Toady? Believe me or not - I didn't know the word. See? I can learn a lot from students too.