Sunday, March 25, 2007

Getting started

Welcome everyone to our blog project. First I would like to explain to you why we are doing this: I want to show you how to work with your future students through blogs, and there is no better way than to get you to run one yourself. You will be able to see how much practice in English you can get by writing your blog and reading others. I hope this won't be just another duty - try to see it as an opportunity to express yourselves in English in a less formal way, by addressing real people whom you know very well and who may be really interested in what you have to say. Try to use this project, too, as a way of learning about other people, about yourselves, about English... The outcome of all this depends largely on you: if you want it to work, it will. :)
I have given you some time to get started, to present yourselves to the others in the most natural way. If you're having problems finding things to say, I would like you to write the following:
Tell us what brought you to our college and how you found out about it. Try to recall your state of mind at the time - what expectations you had and how you felt. OK?
Don't delay any more - do it now! :)


Marta F said...

New bloggers, new tasks, new posts of yours, yaaay :)

I know everything here will be a nice read. Just dropped by to say good luck :)

AgataL said...

Thank you, thank you, never enough of that! ;)