Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting started

Welcome to this year's blog project. I hope at least some of you will find it interesting and enjoyable. Your blogs may become another space where you share your reactions to things you have seen, heard or witnessed; they may also let you get to know other students better - those from the other groups, for example. It's important that you not only write your posts, but also read what others have written, and leave your comments. I will read everything and comment sometimes, too, but that's different, isn't it? ;)
Do your best in terms of English - your blogs are available online for anyone to read. I'm not going to give you any feedback on your errors in my comments, so you need to take full responsibility for your writing. No need to be perfect, but please don't be sloppy.

Here is your first assignment, then:
Please write a post about the place where you're staying now. It may be your family home, a rented room, a dormitory room or any other arrangement you have at the moment. Tell us how it works for you, how you feel there, what you would like to be different. You can add some background information about your part of town.
When you're done, go to other students' blogs and place a few comments. Have fun blogging!

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