Saturday, April 4, 2009

Marc Prensky speaks at Cardiff

An interesting interview on using technology in ELT and on teaching in general. Food for thought for all of us, I guess. :)


Monika said...

With some time on my hands, I've watched the video and have to say it's really interesting what Mr Marc Prensky is saying. I do agree with him that it should be students who get a chance for using technology in the language classroom, however, in my view, it would take a lot of time to equip polish schools for that, because the change in pedagogy about which Mr Prensky is talking is very slow in our country, unfortunately.

AgataL said...

I agree, but nothing will change in Polish schools if teachers do not insist that the equipment is needed and that they are ready to use it with their students. I think what we need here is the bottom-up approach.