Sunday, May 6, 2007


My best wishes to everyone celebrating their graduation today. I hope that you are satisfied with how you spent your time with us, and that you will take lots of good KJO moments with you. It's been fun to be your teacher, that's for sure. :)


Ania said...

Thank you!! Same to you! It's been fun and pleasure to be taught by so competent and cheerful teacher like you! best wishes! :)

Justi said...

thank you for your dedication in teaching.You are a teacher other Ts and Ss should look up to and copy.

AgataL said...

Wow! Thank you both for the kind words. They mean a lot to me. :)

Agnieszka said...

Well, well, well... A year ago it was me who was wearing that funny black clothes during the graduation ceremony. Time's passing soooo fast...