Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tough work

Could you write a few words about your diploma projects? What are they going to be about? How are you doing? Are you enjoying the work? Or perhaps you haven't even started yet, and the very idea of getting down to writing something scares you? Share with others, maybe this will help! :)


Anonymous said...

Hallo :o)
As a lover of language I would like to ask how long have you been speaking/writing English?
I'm guessing from your 'nom de plume' that you are probably Polish (forgive my presumption if I'm wrong!)and I just wanted to say how excellent your linguistic skills are.
I hope this doesn't sound patronising! It's certainly not meant to. best wishes.

AgataL said...

Oh, thank you so much - you are too kind. And you are right about my nationality - indeed, I am Polish. As for my learner experience, it's probably longer than I want to admit, but I'm still learning. I hope it's enough to say that I've been an EFL lecturer for over 16 years, working at a teacher training college.
You can't imagine how wonderful it is for someone like me to read such a comment. From your blog I can see YOU are an exquisite user of English, which makes your words even more valuable.
Thank you again. All the best to you, and good luck with your new blog. :)

nataluv said...

it's always nice to hear such thing :)

Ania said...

That's a good one ;-)